Friday, June 02, 2006

Астрид Линдгрен

Емил от Льонеберя
Katthult is in many ways a typical Småland farm, with its small, red main building, a farm workers' cottage, a storehouse where the food was kept and a barn for the livestock. This particular farm also has a woodshed, of course, and anyone who has heard the stories about Emil knows that this is a place which he visits often. Emil lives at Katthult with his mother, father and baby sister Ida. They have a maid called Lina, a farmhand called Alfred and a small pig called Piggy Beast. Alfred and Piggy Beast are Emil's best friends. 100 years ago, when Astrid's father was young, there were many small farms like Katthult in the province of Småland. He often told Astrid and her brothers and sisters stories about his childhood, and it was from these stories that Astrid borrowed settings as well as characters for her books about Emil.

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